
Model Shop
My current band is called Model Shop. I share singing and songwriting duties with my Math and Physics Club mate Ethan Jones. Our debut LP, Love Interest, came out on Meritorio Records in November 2022, and our follow-up EP, Check the Forecast came out in 2023. Check us out here!

The Oliver Nocturne Song: Oliver and Emalie

This is a song I wrote in 2008 to go with my first novel, Oliver Nocturne: The Vampire's Photograph. I used to have this song on my old website, and lost track of it for many years, but a fan found it alive and well on Youtube. Here you go!

The EXILE Soundtrack
This winter, I got together with my bandmates Jon and Ethan, and our good friend Hannah, and we brought to life three songs from the novel EXILE (April 29). For each song, we imagined what the characters in the book might play, how they'd record, and what sound they'd go for. 'On My Sleeve' and 'Catch Me' are by the high school band in the book, Dangerheart. 'Exile' is by Caleb's father, Eli, who died in 1998. 

If you like the songs, check out the book! And if you'd like to support this and future music, consider buying the songs from BandCamp, iTunes, Amazon, or anywhere else you purchase digital music. Thanks!

      bandcamp     amazon

Music for the Atlanteans Series
This is a song I wrote about the characters Owen and Lilly from the Atlanteans series. This song is loosely based on the events of chapter 1 of The Lost Code. I made this recording in my basement. Enjoy!


  1. I recently followed Kevin's band on Spotify and while the song tunes are nice, I find the lyrics very clever. :P

  2. Hi I was wondering on your old website you had a song based off of the first Oliver Nocturne book. Is there anyway that I can listen to it again. Hope all is well

    1. Hi Lexi, I've been meaning to find the Oliver Nocturne song and post it. I will try to do that soon. Thanks!

    2. Sorry for the second necro-post, but is THIS the one?

    3. Yes that is the song! I just posted it on the Music page of this site.

  3. I think it's amazing that you brought these songs from the pages to life. I lived the book, and having these the next time I read through it will make it that much better! So cool!

  4. I read this book in two days! I can't wait until the next one comes out! I love all the songs as well, keep up the good work. (:

  5. no i was hoping to come back here and get the super old song you wrote for oliver nocturne, that song was amazing me and my friend spent so many days listening to it and we still know all the words to it

    1. Hi Caroline, I have been meaning to get the old Oliver Nocturne song up here. I will try to do that soon. Thanks so much for your note!

    2. Excuse the necro-post, but is THIS the one?

  6. What happened to the 'Oliver and Emily' song? I remember listening to it when I was a kid reading the Oliver Nocturne series..

    1. There was an Oliver nocturne song?!!! omg id love to hear it!!

    2. NECRO-POST: Is THIS the one?


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